Saturday, December 13, 2014

38 weeks and a baby shower!

We got to celebrate with a baby shower thrown by Auntie Elisa at the Tea Company in Country Village - it was marvelous!

At 38.5 weeks I am ready for this baby to make her appearance!  

Thursday, December 4, 2014

37 weeks and counting down....

We had a wonderful 36 weeks pregnant at Thanksgiving this year, with a loving baby shower in Yakima, thrown by Auntie Faith, Auntie Steph and Grandma Lena!

And we had a nice family photo session for baby Bee with Nate Robinson Photography (Yay Uncle Nate!) that I will upload more photos from later!  Here's a sneak peak at the growing belly!

We are so close to having her here and I'm thrilled that we've also gotten closer to the right name.  At her 37 week prenatal appointment today she was healthy and all seems well on the road to arriving earth side! 

Here are some of the amazing maternity pics that Uncle Nate took at 36 weeks! 

Friday, October 31, 2014

32 weeks!

Here we are at 32 weeks along!

Also, Happy Halloween!

 Baby Bee is a pumpkin just like Ev was when he was in mommy's tummy!

Monday, September 29, 2014

28 weeks bump picture

Here we are at 28 weeks, entering the third trimester and all is well!  We are in the sweet spot of pregnancy (for us) where we aren't too nauseous or uncomfortable yet.  Baby bee is kicking up a storm and roughly the size of a large eggplant.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day dreaming...

I found this at a kid's consignment store for $7, and couldn't help but pick it up for our little girl on the way.  Making plans. :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

24 Weeks Belly Bump

Here we are at 24 weeks - she's been kicking up a storm!  We just finished our move to our first owned home in Shoreline, and are exhausted but happy to be here!  This pic is taken in our new front yard.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

It's a.....

GIRL!  We had our 21 week ultrasound and saw our beautiful, healthy little girl moving around on the screen.  She was tucked in a horseshoe shape and kept the ultrasound technician on her toes!  We are excited to meet her in another 20 weeks or so. :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Baby Bee is on the way! 19 weeks update

Tonight is our 9 year anniversary and Baby Bee is kicking away as I write this! We have our mid-way pregnancy ultrasound in two weeks, I can't wait to see how Baby is developing and growing. We might even get to see if it's a boy or girl that will be joining our family in December! I'll update with bump pictures on my next post. :) Ev is in love his Baby Bee already, I hope he enjoys the ultrasound experience with us!