Thursday, December 13, 2012

He's here! ;)

Almost 10 months later, a new post! LOL As you know, Everett Conrad arrived after a night of laboring at 11:44am on Valentine's Day! He was 9lbs and perfect. :) We were able to take him home that night, and it was the beginning of a completely and utterly new life for us. We are so happy he is in our family!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

40 weeks!

So we've hit 40 weeks and he's not here yet... which we're completely fine with! I was able to get my last week of work in, and everything should be ready for my substitute, which is a huge relief. Now I have time to wash his newborn clothes and blankets and make sure everything is ready! Here's a pic of me at 40 weeks:

Maybe he'll arrive on 2/12/2012! Tee hee! If he doesn't, no worries! I'm not terribly uncomfortable, and I'm feeling a lot of peace and patience about his arrival. No stress!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Homemade Baby Bump Photo Shoot

So we took some pics of our baby bump at 37 weeks, and threw in some flair for the fun of it! Here's a few of the pics we ended up with!

We had fun!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Baby Showers

So we've been blessed with some baby showers, in which we've played some hilarious games and ate some nummy food! We also got some awesome stuff to help us prepare for baby boy's arrival! Here's some pics from the last shower held over the winter break:

I also got to play with the cutest little lady ever, Lily!!

We are super grateful for all of the lightly used (and in some cases never used) second hand boy's clothes we've received, he'll be well dressed!

He's been kicking less and rolling more, and keeping his foot firmly stuck in my ribs, with another pushing out of my side (you can see it poking out).

We're working on getting his room ready, and I'll put up some pics once it's all cute!